What does Heliocare do for your skin?

What does Heliocare do for your skin?

Heliocare is a science-backed beauty brand that can protect, nourish, and repair the skin, mitigating the signs of ageing and helping it glow with health and vitality.

Here are 3 reasons why you should consider adding Heliocare to your daily skincare routine:

  1. Protects the skin

Every single Heliocare 360 product is specially formulated to protect skin from UVA and UVB rays. This broad spectrum protection prevents damage to all layers of the skin, from reducing dark patches on the outer layers to boosting collagen production in the subcutaneous layers of the skin to keep complexions looking healthy.

The truly innovative feature of Heliocare suncare products is the inclusion of their trademarked Fernblock technology. Fernblock is a plant extract containing powerful natural sun protection that can increase skin's resistance to sunburn.

  1. Repairs skin damage

Heliocare's 360 range is unique because it includes DNA repairing enzymes. UVA and UVB rays can cause damage to our DNA cells, triggering changes in their structure and potentially leading to conditions such as skin cancer. Our cells are able to repair some damage, but repeated exposure can slow down this process. Heliocare 360 can not only prevent damage but can actually repair damage already caused.

  1. Stocks up the body's store of antioxidants

Antioxidants are natural protectors in the body, and prevent free radicals from forming. Free radicals are responsible for altering the composition of our skin cells, causing signs of ageing, including dark patches, red and swollen skin, and fine lines and wrinkles.

Heliocare products contain a mixture of antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, and green tea extract. These can prevent free radicals from forming as well as boosting skin health in general.

Who can use Heliocare?

Heliocare offers an inclusive range of products that offer suncare and protection to everyone, no matter their age, skin type, or skin tone.

Which Heliocare product is right for me?

The Heliocare collection at Flawless Body includes a variety of products, from oral capsules to smooth and absorbable sunscreens, all offering unique advantages. Here's a lightning look at some of our customer's favourites:

Heliocare 360 Fluid cream

This general sunscreen cream features SPF 50+ protection and is easy to apply. It's not oil based so it won't make your skin feel greasy or heavy, and has a very smooth texture.

Heliocare 360 Invisible spray

This water resistant sunscreen spray is ideal for holidays and can be applied on wet skin for ages 10 and up.

Heliocare 360 Age active fluid

Designed specifically for ageing skin, this lightweight cream provides total sun protection and has a light tint, which helps to even complexion. It also contains special hydrators which help smooth the skin, and reduce any lines.

Why not explore these and the entire Heliocare set of products here on the Flawless Body site?

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