Do you have your Skinceuticals Vitamin C Serum Ready?

Do you have your Skinceuticals Vitamin C Serum Ready?

Vitamin C is a powerful skincare ingredient and is particularly effective at protecting against sun damage. As we head into sunnier days, find out why this wonder ingredient should be part of your daily routine to guarantee a glowing complexion this summer.

What is Vitamin C serum?

Vitamin C, also known as L-Ascorbic acid, isn't produced naturally by the body meaning that it must be absorbed from the foods we eat (it is found in fruits and vegetables such as oranges, strawberries, and spinach) or applied topically to the skin. It is a powerful antioxidant and helps to prevent damage to the skin from free radicals, promoting a healthy, vibrant complexion.

Serums containing vitamin C are the most effective way to provide a vitamin C boost to your skin and can be easily included in your normal daily skincare routine. Vitamin C is also unusual in that it cannot be efficiently stored by the body, meaning that a daily top-up is required to ensure that you are able to really reap the benefits.

The benefits of Vitamin C serums

Vitamin C has many skincare benefits. It contains antioxidants which help to neutralise damage caused to the skin by UV rays. It cannot prevent UV rays reaching the skin, so you need to make sure you also protect your skin from the sun, but it can help to reduce the damage caused, lightening dark spots and reducing redness.

Vitamin C also boosts the production of collagen. Collagen is a natural protein found in the body which keeps skin feeling firm and elastic. Over time, the body produces less collagen resulting in wrinkles, meaning that serums containing vitamin C can help to reduce the appearance of ageing skin.

Vitamin C is also anti-inflammatory, which means that it works effectively to reduce redness and evens out skin tone. It can also help to heal scars and marks on the skin, providing clear, blemish-free skin.

Who should use a Vitamin C serum?

Everyone! Serums containing vitamin C are suitable to use on every skin type, from sensitive to dry skin. It is easily absorbed and can be used every day to achieve optimal results, making your skin appear brighter and healthier.

Adding a Vitamin C serum to your skincare routine

The Skinceuticals Serum 10 AOX contains 10% L-Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as well as ferulic acid. Ferulic acid is also an antioxidant which boosts the impact of other antioxidants on the skin, enhancing the effectiveness of the serum.

As with all SkinCeuticals products, Serum 10 AOX has been thoroughly tested and evaluated to ensure that it contains the most effective ingredients. It is also the only brand to formulate its serum according to the Duke Antioxidant patent, which requires that vitamin C serums contain a concentration of at least 10% Ascorbic acid.

After you have followed your normal morning cleansing routine, apply 4-5 drops of SkinCeuticals Serum 10 AOX to a thoroughly dried face, neck, and chest. Remember that exposure to light and air can cause Serum 10 AOX to change colour. This has no impact on the product's efficacy so it's nothing to worry about.

Take a look at to find out more and get your skin summer ready.

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